In Memory Of

In Memory Of Peter Starn
The Starn O’Toole Marcus & Fisher ohana honors the life and legacy of our Founding Director, Peter Starn. Peter was truly one of a kind. He was a formidable attorney and a bold leader, with all the confidence and courage one would expect from a former Naval Aviator and Marine Corps Officer. His professional accolades would fill volumes. But, what we will remember most is the profound impact he had on each of us.
Peter was the heart of the firm. He worked hard to ensure that we not only produced a first-class legal product but also maintained a happy working environment for everyone. Peter took care of the people he cared about. His voice and presence brought a certain gravitas. He was a tough mentor with high expectations. Earning his trust meant having him in your corner as a fierce advocate.
Peter was always a dapper gentleman and a class act. He was a generous and caring friend and a devoted father. He had a great sense of humor and knew how to have a great time.
Words cannot adequately express what Peter meant, and still means, to us personally and as an organization. We are honored to have known Peter and worked alongside him to build this firm that bears his name. He will be greatly missed, but never forgotten as we continue to strive to make him proud.